Diy Ir Remote With ESP8266-01

2017/08/22 diy esp8266


Recently, I made a Wifi-based Ir Remote with ESP8266-1 that controls my LeTv.

About ESP8266-01

ESP8266-01 is the cheapest and smallest MCU with Wifi module that I can afford which costs about 9 CNY (USD 1.5) in China. Here is some description from SparkFun:

The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and get about as much WiFi-ability as a WiFi Shield offers (and that’s just out of the box)! The ESP8266 module is an extremely cost effective board with a huge, and ever growing, community.

Here are some pictures from the Internet:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials.

You will need the following:

  • ESP8266-01 Module.
  • Infrared LED(s).
  • S8050 (Or other NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor).
  • A resistor from 330 to 10k Ohm.
  • IR Receiver such as the VS1838B (For learning).
  • Some female du-pont connectors.
  • USB to TTL Serial Cable(For program downloading).
  • A 3.3v power supply(e.g.I use a AMS-1117 3.3).
  • A breadboard.
  • A PCB board for programing(ESP8266-01 is not breadboard friendly).

Step 2: Scheme and Wiring


S8050, known as Q1 in the picture, plays a role like a switch that controls the LED1 to flash.

The red wire is VCC 3.3V while the black one is GND. The yellow, blue and green are signals.

Step 3: Software

The code is on my github. ESP8266IRRemote. I used some libraries, such as:

  • WiFiManager, a magical wifi configuration tool.
  • IRremoteESP8266, a tool to learn/send IR codes.
  • ESP8266WebServer, a simple web server to handle our requests.
  • esp8266IRServer, especially thanks to Daniel-t. He provides the main code. And I just changed a little.
  • etc.

Step 4: How to use

  1. Change the host name, SSID, and wifi password at line 471/472(maybe).
      wifiManager.autoConnect(HOSTNAME, "1234567890");
  2. Build and download to ESP8266 with serial cable.

  3. Connect your phone or laptop to SSID named esp8266-ir with password 1234567890. And follow the guide to connect your ESP8266 to your wifi router. It looks like: ESP8266 WiFi Captive Portal Homepage ESP8266 WiFi Captive Portal Configuration

  4. Find out IP address by follow command. For example, my IP address is For Windows, Linux and MacOS:
    arp -a 

    OR for MacOS:

    ping esp8266-ir.local 
  5. If you are Windows, modify IP address to yours in file /html/upload.html. Save and open this file in your web browser. And upload all files(success.html should be the first one to upload) in html dir EXCEPT upload.html and

  6. If you are MacOS or Linux, modify IP address to yours in file /html/ And run command in terminal
  7. Open browser on your phone and access http://YOURIPADDRESS. For example, or http://esp8266-ir.local.

  8. OK, it’s working on my LeTV.

Step 5: Learn your IR remote CODE.

  1. Press any button on your remote controller, toward to ESP8266.
  2. Open your web browser and access http://YOURIPADDRESS/learn. For example, or http://esp8266-ir.local/learn.
  3. You will find your code, bits and protocal.
  4. Modify config.json to your code.
  5. Upload config.json to your ESP8266.
  6. Enjoy it.
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